Motoring Law

Motoring Law

Instalaw has a proven record of assisting those in fear of losing their license due to driving related offences.

In conjunction with specialist barristers we are able to provide a no nonsense service, making sure an accurate assessment of your case takes place before it reaches court.

We believe in making sure our clients are aware of all of the options and possibilities open to them at such a stressful time.

We can represent people at any court in the UK.

Examples of cases with which we can assist include:

  • Defending driving prosecutions such as driving dangerously or without due care and attention.
  • Defending cases of speeding on technical grounds
  • Assisting professional drivers in keeping their licence due to excess points
  • ‘Exceptional Hardship’ arguments allowing drivers to accumulate more than 12 points on their license to avoid bans.
  • Mitigation in cases where a guilty plea is anticipated in order to reduce fines or penalty points.
  • Defending claims due to late service of s172 notices.

  • Unfortunately, we are unable to offer legal aid assistance in relation to such matters. If your case is very serious we may be able to recommend someone who will.

    We offer an upfront service and fixed fee package for representation which ensures you are aware of the complete cost of representation before instructing us.

    Our fixed fees vary depending on the location of the case in relation to our offices.

    A typical fixed fee cost for a guilty plea, with mitigation provided by a Barrister would be £1000 plus VAT. This fee will include any necessary ‘exceptional hardship argument’ if it occurs at the same hearing.

    A typical not guilty fee, including a trial will cost £3500 plus VAT but this may vary if the matter is very complex, requiring substantial preparatory work.

    Preparatory work in relation to such matters will be undertaken by Robert Welsh, a director of the firm with 10 years+ post qualification. Advocacy will be undertaken by a recommended Barrister with experience in motoring law.

    Preparatory work will include necessary instructions being taken from you and relevant parties prior to the hearing taking place. In most cases a meeting with counsel will also occur prior to the court date.

    Additional disbursement fees may be added to the cost where necessary such as third party fees i.e. toxicology reports, independent vehicle analysis etc. All disbursements will be discussed and agreed prior to accrual.

    Timescales, in large, will be determined by the court at which the hearing is due to take place.

    Our fixed fees do not include VAT unless otherwise stated.

    If you would like further information please do not hesitate to contact us on 01782 560155 or at